Friday, May 30, 2008

Tuesday News Round Up

I really have no good personal finance news to share on this drab, rainy spring day. It's kind of a cranky, "crap, I didn't know it was that bad," sort of a day. Did you see any positive stories today? If so, let me know. 'Cause all I saw today was this:

A British paper is claiming the U.S. is in "the Great Depression of 2008" and cites some alarming statistics about the use of food stamps as support. Read it here. OK, it's just one article, but these types of stories are becoming very prevalent.

The Wall Street Journal points out that the credit crunch is now affecting our savings accounts! What! That's a blow to this savvy saver! It makes me feel like there are no good decisions to be made. I think my Emigrant Direct account is no longer keeping up with inflation. Grrr...

The New York Times says the average consumer is carrying $9,000 in credit card debt from month to month. (That can't be right, can it?)

And Fortune is freaking out about the proposed new finance regulations and the mess on Wall Street. (Don't worry if it's over your head, nothing's likely to happen very soon.)

We're so grumpy-pants we're even hating on SATC today.

Will Summer please get here soon so we can return to sunshine and happiness?

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