Tuesday, April 15, 2008

5 Cents

As I was doing my taxes this weekend, I thought about a post I wrote long ago to commemorate the first interest payment I received from my very first savings account: a whopping 15 cents.

Though I didn't know it at the time, that 15 cents, that tiny step, was symbolic of a huge shift in the way I approached my finances. It was the start of my savings, the start of what will soon be a downpayment on a house or condo, and the start of a wave of financial learning that I hope will bring me stability and security for the rest of my life.

This year, I made more than $500 in interest from my savings account. It may not seem like a ton, but when you remember that it all started with a 15 cent interest payment, it's a sign of huge growth both personally and financially.

As I reflected on this growth, a nickname from my childhood flashed into my mind. When I was born, my grandfather couldn't pronounce my name. Every time he said "Nicole" it sounded like "nickel." My mom tried again and again to correct him, but he was simply baffled by her. To him, the pronunciations of Nicole and nickel sounded identical. So family, in all their sarcastic glory, began calling me "five cents." As in "Hey! Five cents! What's happening?" It's a nickname that stuck with me throughout my childhood.

The irony, of course, is that a girl who grew up with the nickname "five cents" grew up to become "The Budgeting Babe." In retrospect, I wonder if it was meant to be. Regardless, I know my grandparents - all of them - are looking down and laughing right now.

Thanks guys. You set me on the right course :)

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