Saturday, April 12, 2008

Welcome back!

I gather that some new visitors are discovering the site, or maybe just some old friends are bellying up to the bar again. Regardless, welcome! It's an absolute pleasure to have you here.

Let me recommend a few ways to catch up on what's been going on with me.

  1. Look up in the upper left-hand corner. See that search button? That will shift through all 300+ posts that I've accumulated here during the past four years (FOUR YEARS! Ridiculous, I know). I recommend searching for a random word or topic and seeing what comes up. (Like bridesmaid or ocean or friends or cat.) It's a really fun way to explore the craziness that's been my life since I started the blog.
  2. I started tagging my posts into categories, which you can find on the left if you scroll down the page (ok, really far down). I haven't been able to do all the posts, but there are a lot of good topics to reflect on.
  3. I've also kept every single post on the archive, so if you want to follow my journey chronologically, start at the oldest post and work your way up.
While I'm leaps and bounds ahead of where I started, I still have a lot to learn. And you all have so much to teach me! So from the bottom of my heart, thanks for joining me and supporting me for all these years. I'll keep posting if you'll keep reading. You guys are my inspiration.

PS-- I would like to give a special shout out to all my new friends in Toluca, IL... I'll see you on Labor Day for the Bocce Tournament! And another to my 22 readers in Belgium. I don't know how on earth you found me but I hope to one day come visit!

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